Course: Basic statistics

Basic statistics


This course offers a comprehensive introduction to basic statistics, designed for individuals seeking to understand fundamental statistical concepts and methodologies. Participants will learn essential topics such as descriptive statistics, probability theory, hypothesis testing, and basic inferential statistics. They will also learn how to effectively perform and interpret basic statistical analyses, making participants equipped to handle data in various contexts.

Who this course is for

The course is for anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of statistics.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Understand and Apply Descriptive Statistics
• Identify different types of data
• Understand the basic principles of probability and probability distributions
• Formulate null and alternative hypotheses
• Perform basic hypothesis tests
• Perform and interpret correlation and regression Analysis

Course format

• Software: R will be used for illustration purposes and practical work
• Duration: 1 day
• Location: Uppsala
• Course dates: 2 October 2024, 5 November 2024
• Course hours: 9-16
• Price: 4900 SEK
• Language: Swedish or English (The course will be given in Swedish if only Swedish speakers attend; otherwise, it will be in English).

What is included

Coffee breaks

Contact information

For more details, please contact Hanna Vikman:

• Email:
• Phone: +46 (0) 730 22 59 01

Please note!
We reserve the right to cancel the course in the event of low attendance.

Apply here

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